Wednesday, November 02, 2005


This blog is for announcements and information from the Labor Commission of the Socialist Party USA. It will serve as a clearing-house for information and to coordinate labor struggles. Below is the text to our pamphlet, Join the Labor Commission of the Socialist Party USA.

The Labor Commission has been chartered by the Socialist Party to engage workplace and union issues. We are union members and labor activists from across the country, both experienced and new, using the Labor Commission to coordinate our activism. The Socialist Party
has a strong pro-worker stance laid out by our Statement of Principles, Platform, and 2001 National Convention resolution - Socialists and the Labor Movement. To truly aid the cause of organized labor however, we must go beyond occasional proclamations and provide leadership in the daily struggles of working people. We believe that the working class must be organized to re-conceptualize production for human need, not profit, and manage that production based on democratic principles rather than property rights. The transfer of economic power is the keystone to building a new democratic socialist society.

The realization of class interests and the transformation toward socialism is not an inevitable development of history. It will require a mass movement based in the workplace. As socialists, we must agitate to raise class consciousness and build unions that will fight for the abolition of capitalism. In practice this means organizing revolutionary unions as well as building transformative movements within mainstream unions even as we support their minimal agenda against bosses and the market. Regardless of where we organize, we recognize that grassroots participation and a willingness to take risks for our mutual aid and protection is essential to reviving the labor movement. As a matter of principle we are open about our politics and reject isolating immediate struggles from the broader class struggle. Both in unions and the workplace, we agitate for greater democracy, rank and file militance and solidarity across all social and geographic boundaries.

All members of the Socialist Party, and the youth affiliate YPSL, are welcome to participate in the Labor Commission. We encourage every local to designate at least one representative to the Labor Commission to coordinate our work with local struggles. The Labor Commission has a members-only email list and monthly phone conferences. Socialist Party locals should support the struggles of mainstream unions, and encourage union members to engage their union's democratic process to present socialist alternatives. We further encourage all Socialist Party members to organize collective action on the job and build revolutionary unionism wherever possible.

Join the Socialist Party USA! Get involved with the Labor Commission! Contact us for support in organizing your workplace or local Socialist Party affiliate!


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